Military Connected Students
At Crossroads and in Copperas Cove Independent School District we are committed to helping you and your family stay connected with resources and various supports that you might need.
It is the desire of Copperas Cove Independent School District to assist in making your up-coming military transition as smooth as possible. We also want our current (and future) military families to stay abreast of activities, programs, and services that are offered in the surrounding communities and on Fort Cavazos (formerly known as Fort Hood).
This page is designed to provide you with easy access to links and other information for the district and Fort Cavazos.
People to know at Crossroads:
Mr. Felix Alaniz is our Assistant Principal and retired Army Sergeant. Email: Email Felix Alaniz
Ms. Audrey Trahan is our Counselor and a former military spouse with a military connected child herself. Email: Email Audrey Trahan
We are all committed to working collaboratively with you and your family for your student’s successful academic career. Please let us know if you need any additional resources, counseling, or guidance in any way.
Community Resources
Support groups:
For information on any of these groups listed below, contact Army Community Service at 287-4ACS. (These groups are subject to change or cancellation, call before planning to attend.)
FISHH - Families of Injured Soldiers with helping Hands
...a family support group meeting together to strengthen each other.
When: Third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Oveta Culp Hobby Center, Soldier & Family Readiness Branch, Building 18000 (Battalion Avenue next to Copeland Soldier Service Center, Fort Hood)
Contact: Cynthia Livingston @ Email Cynthia LivingstonFort Cavazos Family Support 360 Center - designed to work with families to assist them in navigating military and civilian public support systems to get services and supports for their children with disabilities. Contact Penny Seay (Email Penny Seay) or Ana Canevaro (Email Ana Canevaro), Texas Center for Disability Studies, at 512-232-0740.
Spouses of Deployed Soldiers Support Group - for more information about meeting times, contact ACS at 254-287-8979
Heart of Texas Self Help Group - Whether you have or may have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or care about someone who does, finding the right information for you is an important step. Learn the facts about MS. For more information contact Peggy Muller at 254-542-5465.
When: Third Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Where: Robertson Avenue Baptist Church, 30 E. Robertson Avenue, Copperas Cove, TX.
International Spouses Support Group - for more information call ACS at 254-287-4471
When: Third Thursday of the month.Military and Family Life Consultants - designed to provide support and assistance to active duty soldiers, National Guard & Reserves, military family members and civilian personnel. Military and Family Life Consultants can help people who are having trouble coping with concerns and issues of daily life. For assistance, call 254-288-0400.